How do I get help?

Help is available to Lapeer County residents who qualify through Love INC of Greater Lapeer. Call (810) 245-2414 during business hours (or leave a message) and we can set up an appointment time to talk to you about how we may be able to help.

Where can I get food?

There are a few free soup kitchens available in Lapeer, plus there are free food pantries that are also available to our Neighbors in need. Please call (810) 245-2414

Can I get help with my utilities?

Utility help is available to Lapeer County residents who qualify. Please call (810) 245-2414 for an appointment.

Can I get help with my late rent/mortgage?

Love INC of Greater Lapeer will from time to time have grants that help with late rent/mortgage payments. We also can provide referrals to other agencies that may be able to help. Call (810) 245-2414

How do I know if I qualify for help?

Help is available to lower income individuals and families who live in Lapeer County, MI. Please call (810) 245-2414 to set up an appointment.

How can I help?

Love INC of Greater Lapeer is supported by our generous Community Volunteers and our Neighbors who donate. Please call (810) 245-2414 or click here to volunteer or here to donate now.